项目案例 / case
  • 2019 - 03 - 21
    5 core elements of Guanhua Formative Education中国文化与节气生活启蒙Chinse Culture and Solar Terms自然、低结构身心活动与环境Natural,Low Structure Activity and Environment优良中英文绘本阅读渗透Reading of Selected Picture Books情商支持与培育EQ Cultivation家庭与启蒙园共同养育方针Engage the Parents in Teaching
  • 2017 - 07 - 09
    还原真教育,以爱创设孩子的第二个家Guanhua Philosophy:return back to authentic education by creating a second home for children 观化启蒙园立志给孩子提供「真实」的教育环境,以「家」为核心,传承中国文化之美。孩子在第二个家中,有温暖与爱陪伴着,让孩子在做中学、在关系中成长、在游戏中求进步。Guanhua Kids Garden is committed to providing an “authentic” educational environment centering on “home”, the essence of Chinese culture. At their second home, children, immersed in love and companionship, are able to learn through practice, grow in relationships and progress while playing games. 观化教育视幼儿为自然之子,遵循其身心发展规律。以中国传统文化内涵为基础,借鉴世界先进的科学教育理念及方法,对幼儿进行启蒙教育,幼儿在自然、家庭、社会融合的过程中,心智得以开发、品性得以养正、能力得以培养。欢迎加入观化启蒙园,携手给孩子爱与温暖的童年。Guanhua Education views children as the son of the nature whose mental and physical development follows certain patterns. At Guanhua, the tranditioanl Chinese culture and the wo...
  • 2017 - 07 - 09
    观化作息| 幼儿身心发展规律的一日生活Guanhua Daily Routine:Agree with the Mental and Physical Development Patterns of Young Children启蒙园的理念特别提到「视幼儿为自然之子,遵循其身心发展规律。」,孩子的生活节奏需满足身心灵的步调,除了生活自理的学习外,穿插教师设计的「启蒙教育」,每天不疾不徐的过生活,有温暖与爱陪伴着,让孩子在做中学、在关系中成长、在游戏中求进步。In the philosophy of our kindergarten, special emphasis is given to “looking at children as the son of the nature whose mental and physical development follows certain patterns”. Children’s rhythm of life has to be in tune with their mental and physical development patterns. Besides the teaching of basic self-care skills, the teacher also designs the “formative education” activities featuring moderately paced life, love and companionship. With the formative education model, the children are able to learn through practice, grow in relationships and progr...
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